
E-Ink Kanban/JIRA Tickets

Using small low-power displays as sticky notes

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Small ePaper screens have become fairly affordable in recent years, presumably due in part to their adoption as price labels in some stores. With a handful of other low-cost parts and some magnetic backing, I'm building a set of displays that can be stuck on a whiteboard and used like Post-it notes; auto-updating Post-it notes even.

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alexswan wrote 02/07/2021 at 22:40 point

can you please post the link, where i can get the displays?

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Stephen Holdaway wrote 02/08/2021 at 00:00 point

Hey @alexswan, these are from GoodDisplay. I'm fairly sure they're the manufacturer that makes all of these displays that are resold by WaveShare, etc:

- AliExpress store:

- Website:

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kevin wrote 01/18/2021 at 15:22 point

I've been looking for a reason to work with e-ink,  I also can't stand how bright the jira webpage is.   message me if you want help with this. 

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David wrote 04/13/2020 at 03:02 point

Hello Stephen!

I also had this idea a few days ago.

Can you share some more information about this project, like used parts and software?

I would like to order an e-ink display and flashing tool to test around.

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