
Arduino TVC ModelRocket

The best of model rocket tech powered by Arduino!!

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This mainly focuses on miniaturizing a control system to be used to guide the LV into the desired trajectory. The hardware developed here is applicable as a final stage in orbital insertion a rocket is designed and built using low cost, o-the-shelf components to estimate and control attitude alone. A high altitude balloon launch, additional mini rocket stages, or piggybacking off a large scale rocket can be used to get such a system to an approximate trajectory.

Software Design

In total there will be two flight controllers. One for LaunchPad and one for the rocket guidance and retrieval. Launchpad computer is fairly simple to design and fabricate. The challenge, however, lies with the Flight Controller.

The ATmega328 isn’t powerful enough to handle the computation intense environment of launching a rocket with thrust vector control. So, I’ll develop modules of the rocket in Arduino, if successful I will import them to Teensy 3.2 which is powerful and expensive.


  • Know the orientation
  • Know the Altitude
  • Control the Pyros
  • Control 2 Servo Motor
  • Log Flight Data - Black Box
  • Epic Star Wars Launch sound!


  • Zero - Fault System
  • Low memory
  • Less Processing Power


  1. Standby Mode
  • Scenarios
    • Hold Down/Scrub - Pauses the Countdown
  1. Alarmed - Countdown of 10 seconds
  2. Launch - Flight Mode - TVC is online and data is logged at 2 times/seconds
  3. Detects Apogee - Triggers Parachute
  4. Detects Landing - Starts exporting data to SD Card
  5. Switches to Idle Mode
  6. Beeps

  • 1 × arduino nano
  • 1 × MPU6050
  • 1 × BMP280
  • 1 × SD Card Module
  • 1 × BT module - HC - 06

  • Testing BMP280 with InBuilt Noise Filtering

    Nikhil Mishra04/20/2019 at 01:53 0 comments

    Filtering Techniques:

    Inbuilt IIR (Infinite Impulse Response)

    With Different osrs_p settings (fig 1) y-axis (height in m)

    With Different IIR settings (fig 2)

    In fig(1), it's clear that oversampling of 10 or more is helpful. Can you make any other analysis from this?

    In Fig(2), IIR (8) is doing some aggressive filtering. But it's still not perfect. Might need to use a filter.

    Kalman Filter (1 - Var)

    Kalman Filter is one challenging thing to get it perfect.

    Kalman Gain Vals

    Testing the BMP280

    Set up a vacuum chamber to test it. In fact, initial testing you could probably do with the BMP280 just placed in the hose or coupling of a vacuum cleaner. That is the method I started with to test altimeters. From there I just moved to a small cardboard box and a vacuum cleaner.


    As for accuracy, both pressure and temperature the BMP280 is really good. The pressure accuracy, when temperature correct, falls to below the resolution. It reads down to 1nPa, so the reading accuracy is going to be +/- .16hPa, roughly +/- 1 meter at sea level. Temp is +/- .5°C. This is an amazingly accurate sensor, especially for the price.

    Overall accuracy of the altimeter depends on several factors and is not that easy to measure. Unless you have access to pressure standards, it is better to measure correlation with another altimeter. Any of the commercial recording altimeters will work, if you have one. I tend to check two or three at a time, and generally get somewhere between 2% an 5% correlation. That is the high and low will be within 2 to 5 percent of each other for apogee reading. Obviously, a quick function check and not a serious calibration with NIST traceability.

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rehmanisking77 wrote 11/28/2022 at 02:35 point

Hii Could u pls share the whole code

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Canine Defense Technologi wrote 01/27/2020 at 21:34 point

Awesome Project!

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