
eAgrar - digital agriculture

System for monitoring conditions of plants and weather conditions at agricultural fields

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eAgrar is system for monitoring conditions of plants and weather conditions at agricultural fields.

It is based on wireless sensor network (LoRa communication).
Sensor devices are "plug-and-play" devices. They are battery powered (more than 1 year on same battery) and have long range communication (up to 10km from gateway). Device is based on ATmega328 microprocessor and have sensors for measuring air temperature, air humidity, pressure, soil moisture and leaf moisture.
Sensor devices send data to multichannel gateway which forward them to database.

All data are displayed at our dashboard through widgets, graphs and tables.

Climate change has a severe effect on agricultural production, leading to lower productivity. Farmers have big problems with diseases on their fields due to climate and weather shocks and lack of information from fields. As result of that crops are more sensitive and vulnerable. Farmers must use a lot of pesticides and other chemical agents to stop the development of the disease. That pollutes the environment.

With more information from fields, farmers can predict appearance of disease and prevently treat their plants. That will help them to reduce costs, reduce damages on plants, increase quality of crops and increase yields. Using chemical agents on clever way, in smaller quantities, will enable to customers get healthier food.

I'm developing this system for 18 months. All parts of system are developed from zero. 

This is second version of sensor device. It is based on ATmega328 microprocessor. It has LoRa module for communication and RTC (Real Time Clock) which is used as wakeup alarm of device. This version of device has possibility to connect up to 4 sensors

Device is powered from 3.7V Li-Ion battery and can be powered from same battery more than 1 year. There is also possibility to use 5V boost converter for powering 5V sensors.

Production of PCBs is made by @JLCPCB-OFFCIAL ( They have great option to take 10 prototype boards for just 2$! Check that! I'm really satisfied with quality of board. Pads and vias are solid and high quality even at high temperatures. They didn't rusted even in realistic conditions

I have developed system for controlling devices in LoRa wireless sensor network. So even that device is not connected to Internet all time, I'm able to change sleep time, communication parameters and other parameters remotely, without reprogramming device.

Dashboard is on Croatian language for now. It offers widgets for last measurements, graph for displaying temperature and another graph for displaying all other moisture measurements. Also, there is data table with all data shown from beginning of device life. There is calendar which have possibility to be diary of activities (leaving notes).

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JPEG Image - 75.73 kB - 04/29/2019 at 11:14


  • 1 × PCB board (JLCPCB production)
  • 1 × ATmega328 microprocessor
  • 1 × RTC (Real Time Clock)
  • 1 × RFM95W LoRa module
  • 1 × 3.7V Li-Ion battery

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Lee Williamson wrote 06/02/2023 at 11:38 point

I have personally experienced the exceptional capabilities of eAgrar, a system I've utilized to monitor plant conditions and weather parameters in my agricultural fields. Its wireless sensor network and LoRa communication ensure seamless and reliable data transmission. The sensor devices are incredibly user-friendly, allowing for effortless installation with their "plug-and-play" functionality. I've been impressed by their long-lasting battery life of over a year and the impressive communication range of up to 10km from the gateway. With sensors to measure air temperature, humidity, pressure, soil moisture, and leaf moisture, I've gained valuable insights into my crop's health. The multichannel gateway efficiently transfers the collected data to a comprehensive database, while the intuitive eAgrar dashboard provides me with insightful visualizations, such as widgets, graphs, and tables, empowering me to make informed decisions about my farming practices.

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opheliaione wrote 01/05/2023 at 12:31 point

the fantastic tutorial I appreciate you sharing. I anticipate seeing more of this type of content. 

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glasgowdriveways25 wrote 07/24/2022 at 20:42 point

this is such a great idea!! thank you for sharing this with us

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miklax wrote 09/27/2019 at 15:16 point

Bravo Slavene, super projekat :)

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Slaven Damjanovic wrote 09/30/2019 at 11:03 point

Hvala! :D

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[this comment has been deleted]

Slaven Damjanovic wrote 09/30/2019 at 11:02 point

Contact us and we'll se what we can do :)

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gustav_v12 wrote 07/19/2019 at 09:50 point

Hi, very interesting project, i have a few questions, according to your experience what tool do you recommend us to develop the dashboard in an IoT project?, for example my friends an me made a little kit to sense body parameters (with WiFi) and we use Thingspeak to get the data via MQTT ,store and show it in graphics and tables, we created a login interface and as an "admin" we could create new clients and give them an account,etc, was very nice, now i am developing a project with LoRa and i am using TTN and AWS (amazon web services) to store the data but my personal opinion is that AWS in not flexible as Thingspeak, for show the data in a dashboard in AWS i followed a tutorial where you must use HTML and JavaScript, and in Thingspeak we used Python and his tools to develop the dashboard. The second question is, why do you decided to build a second version of your module?, and the third question is how is it possible to update the sleep time without reprogramming the device?, greetings from south America, thanks.

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Slaven Damjanovic wrote 09/30/2019 at 11:01 point

1. You can use Bootstrap for frontend of dashboard, but backend is hardest way. We did that part alone.
2. We are improving all the time our device so we must generate new versions. 
3. You can use downlink messages for update some parameters.

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salec wrote 06/14/2019 at 15:18 point

Hi Slaven, I've just seen your mentor session with Mitch Altman.

I noticed when you said you are having problem with limited number of I/O pins on your chosen MCU. If I may suggest, take a look at standard logic IC, 74HC595 (or 74LVC595) serial-in/parallel out 8-bit Shift Registers. They are cheap, ubiquitous, obviously very low power, readily connected to SPI port of an MCU without extra components, and are easily chained. Also, they have asynchronous reset (clear) inputs which could be used to assure that, after power-on and before the MCU gets around to initialize them, they are in a known state.

That could solve your need for slow control (output) pins, like those controls for powering down/up the sensors.

Puno sreće u takmičenju :-)

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Slaven Damjanovic wrote 09/30/2019 at 10:57 point

Thank you for your advice! I will check that :D 

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sunny wrote 05/07/2019 at 13:12 point

For this project, I think it would be perfect to match a solar or wind power supply system and run for a long time without worrying about his power supply.

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Slaven Damjanovic wrote 05/07/2019 at 14:57 point

It is an option, but I want to make make small device, easy to use, just plug and play. With solar board or wind generator, people have to think about how to turn it, is it on sun and things like that.  Thanks for suggestion! :)

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michaelfinko7 wrote 05/01/2019 at 15:13 point

Great project, nice use of LoRa!  Unfortunately, in Ukraine the temperatures are much lower in winter than in Croatia (-10C to -20C, and, like in the Midwest of the U.S. this past year, can get to -50C once in a hundred years!).  To my understanding, all SBC's like Raspberry Pi, Arduino, BeagleBoard, etc. are only designed for temperatures down to about 0C (zero Celsius) unless I missed some special ones?

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Slaven Damjanovic wrote 05/01/2019 at 15:59 point

Thanks! :)

From the ATmega 328P datasheet, -40°C to 85°C (outside temperature), so it should not be problem to work even in your conditions :) Datasheet of Raspberry says the same. Some people make experiment down to -78°C with RPi.

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michaelfinko7 wrote 05/02/2019 at 08:45 point

Thanks for adding the specs for the ATmega 328P.  While it seems that almost everyday there is a new SBC or microcontroller manufacturer appearing, but if Raspberry Pi, there 'Compute' models for Industrial use sounds more appropriate for colder temps.  It seems to be 'roughly' rated from -25C to +85C based on comments from the COO and Hardware Lead at Raspberry Pi James Adams

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zadro.ante94 wrote 04/28/2019 at 18:33 point

Slavne nek je sa srećom! 

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Slaven Damjanovic wrote 04/29/2019 at 11:17 point

Hvala :D 

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madhav_pandya27 wrote 04/27/2019 at 19:25 point

I would also like to contribute to this project......we need soil nutrients mesurement sensor for nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium along with measuring oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH, moisture, sunlight at the leafs plant health, fertilizer content etc

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Camille Margaux wrote 04/27/2019 at 13:34 point

Bien! C'est utile. Ici en France, nous avons beaucoup de vignobles.

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George wrote 04/27/2019 at 13:12 point

This look really great! Good luck with developing!

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beslimir wrote 04/27/2019 at 11:25 point

Best project I've seen so far. Good job, boy!

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Fellow Cho wrote 04/27/2019 at 00:26 point

Great idea! Will make life easier for farmers!

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