OpticalCrankFasterRes20_SLOTS_V10_WORKS.inoArduino sketch for the Teensy LC microcontroller used in the improved crank with optical chopper wheel rotation speed sensor. This reads the 20-slot 3D printed wheel and converts the rotation rate to a steady voltage that can be read by an analog-in pin on the main gurdy Teensy 3.5 board as a direct exchange for the previously used gearmotor (acting as a dynamo or generator).ino - 7.38 kB - 07/08/2022 at 20:46 |
V2_GuideToBuildingImprovedCrank28.6.22.pdfIf you want to make an improved crank, I have been working on this also and here is a set of guidelines along with a circuit diagram. It is based on an e-scooter drum brake system and an optical chopper wheel and sensor.Adobe Portable Document Format - 2.96 MB - 06/28/2022 at 12:11 |
ImprovedCrankCADfiles.zipCollection of CAD files for the improved crank should you wish to have a go at making one of these.x-zip-compressed - 236.60 kB - 06/28/2022 at 11:53 |
UsingInternalBatteryV2_16.02.22.pdfIf you want to add an internal battery in order to use it wirelessly with a Bluetooth MIDI dongle there is some extra explanation of this here.Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.42 MB - 02/16/2022 at 14:39 |
WIRING_FullLengthVersionV9.pdfAdobe Portable Document Format - 575.94 kB - 02/16/2022 at 13:57 |
PartsListDigiNerdyGurdy_16.02.22.pdfAdobe Portable Document Format - 1.61 MB - 02/16/2022 at 13:56 |
LaserCutDXFfiles.zipDigi Nerdy Gurdy: All laser cutting files.Mainly for 3mm ply but a few parts are in 6mm ply. the thickness of ply required for each set of parts is described in the end of each file name. x-zip-compressed - 64.40 kB - 04/11/2021 at 14:59 |
3DprintedParts.zipDigi Nerdy Gurdy: All 3D printed parts.These are the keys and then other parts such as holder for the MIDI sockets, the handle on one end and the OLED screen holder. x-zip-compressed - 240.64 kB - 04/11/2021 at 14:58 |
CapoOctaveKeyCombinationsannotated.JPGIf you have an older DigiGurdy WITHOUT the three dedicated octave Up/Down and capo On/Off buttons on front panel, as found on new DigiNerdyGurdy, you can still navigate around the new tunings system by using key combinations. This diagram explains the combinations for you, also so does this video: https://youtu.be/MIs8oEdTjIgJPEG Image - 99.08 kB - 04/11/2021 at 14:47 |
3ButtnSSD1306_WhiteScreenT25_V116.inoDigiNerdyGurdy Code: This version will remember your last-used settings (tuning choice, the display style you prefer and whether you want the drones on or off) which is useful if you want to get going quickly. You must have the EEPROM library in your documents---->Arduino--->libraries folder for this to work. If not already there, it can be downloaded here: https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/EEPROM When you first use the DigiGurdy after uploading this code version, it will ask you at startup if you want to use the previously saved settings. You must answer NO the first time around as initially none will have been saved! Set your tunings etc as normal the first time around. Next time you power it up those settings will have been saved.NOTE: If the crank does not sound even when you are turning it (and it has been detected OK on startup), change this code for 2ButtnSSD1306_WhiteScreenT15_V116.ino also supplied, which has a lower value set for the threshold. ino - 550.01 kB - 04/11/2021 at 14:37 |
3ButtnSSD1306_WhiteScreenT15_V116.inoDigiNerdyGurdy Code: This version will remember your last-used settings (tuning choice, the display style you prefer and whether you want the drones on or off) which is useful if you want to get going quickly. You must have the EEPROM library in your documents---->Arduino--->libraries folder for this to work. If not already there, it can be downloaded here: https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/EEPROM When you first use the DigiGurdy after uploading this code version, it will ask you at startup if you want to use the previously saved settings. You must answer NO the first time around as initially none will have been saved! Set your tunings etc as normal the first time around. Next time you power it up those settings will have been saved.NOTE: If the crank occasionally sounds even when it is not turning, change this code for 2ButtnSSD1306_WhiteScreenT25_V116.ino also supplied, it has a higher value set for the threshold above which the crank turning is detected. ino - 550.01 kB - 04/11/2021 at 14:37 |
LegacyInfoFromAlloyBodyDGurdy11.4.21.zipAll legacy design files for the alloy extrusions based DigiGurdy are stored here.x-zip-compressed - 42.20 MB - 04/11/2021 at 12:47 |
DJacobsVariant26.12.20.zipVariation of the DG by David Jacobs. Uses same software. Instead of microswitches it has laser cut keys and keybox similar to the NerdyGurdy. Metal tangents on each key contact a tensioned string to complete the circuit for each key. This gives it a key action that is closer to a real hurdy gurdy. Laser cutting plans and a series of images are in this file. Build manual is currently being created by DJ and at present is not in the attached file.x-zip-compressed - 1.31 MB - 12/26/2020 at 09:57 |
Using Plogue Sforzando Guide V1.pdfI suggest the best sounds can be obtained with the bs-16i app from the app store running on a connected iPhone or iPad. This app has volume sliders for each channel so is the most versatile. You can also use the FluidSynth app on most Android phones (see Instructions For Use). However if you want to quickly get going by plugging your DigiGurdy into a laptop, there is some free software called Plogue Sforzando that will work on the laptop and play most of the sounds OK except for the buzz when cranking and the keyclick sounds. It is Ok to practice with though. Here is a guide on how to download this software and set it up for use with the DGurdy.Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.02 MB - 12/05/2020 at 00:05 |