
MACI Cobot - 6DOF - 5Kg - 850mm

Low-cost industrial cobot

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EN :

MACI is an open-source cobot, the goal of this project is to have a low-cost research platform, while keeping the characteristics of an industrial cobot.

The range of this one is of 850 mm with a maximum load of 5 kg and has 6 axes.

Each axis is equipped with a brushless motor, equipped with a cycloidal reducer and controlled thanks to an ODrive card.

MACI cobot composed of 6 joints, 3 joints 100 Nm and 3 joints 35 Nm. The joints are controlled thanks to 3 ODrives. Each joint is composed of a brushless motor, an encoder AMT102-V (to see if I change for an AS5048) and a cycloidal reducer.

The 2 sizes of joints, the big one, 80mm of diameter and 100 Nm of torque. The smaller, 70mm of diameter and 35 Nm of torque.

  • 3 × ODrive 3.5
  • 1 × Power Supply 12V 83A
  • 6 × Encoder CUI AMT102-V
  • 3 × Turnigy Aerodrive SK3 4250 350kV
  • 3 × Turnigy Aerodrive SK3 6374 149kV

View all 7 components

  • New Materials

    Léonard Dabin05/24/2019 at 15:59 0 comments

    I just receive new materials : motors, encoders, PLA... I will post some update in the further days :) 

  • The first joins

    Léonard Dabin05/01/2019 at 08:16 0 comments

    Hello, I introduce myself quickly. My name is Leonard and I am a student in engineering school. My hobby, make robots.

    Here are the first images of my first prototype, it is for the moment composed of two joints but it will soon grow.

View all 2 project logs

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ice2009 wrote 12/18/2020 at 00:10 point

Can you share stl ? :)

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Rohit wrote 06/28/2020 at 15:56 point

Hello Dear any updates on the project , I waiting for it

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Rohit wrote 04/12/2020 at 12:40 point

I love this project , one of my fav, waiting for the updates ,wish you all the best

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Preston Parry wrote 05/23/2019 at 03:03 point

This looks great! I know it's still being built, but do you have any estimates on how much it'll end up costing to build? Also, how do you intend to control the arm? 

Super glad to watch this being built- can't wait to see more!

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Léonard Dabin wrote 05/23/2019 at 07:01 point

Thanks for your comment. The cost for the all the parts, it's about 1200€ so 1350 $. For the control of the arm, I use ROS, Gazebo and MoveIt. I just wait some materials and I will post some news in the further days.

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Ian Pritchard wrote 05/20/2019 at 20:29 point

Great work on your project so far, I'll definitely be following it! Would you care to post or share the files for printing the actuators? Thanks!

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Léonard Dabin wrote 05/23/2019 at 06:54 point

Thanks for your comment. I will share the STLs in the further days, for the moment I wait some materials for confirm the printing files.

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Jin Han wrote 05/15/2019 at 19:31 point

Very interesting!

I assume you are using 100:1 ratio strain wave gearbox for 100Nm joint?

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Léonard Dabin wrote 05/15/2019 at 20:59 point

thanks for your interest . 

I using a 60:1 cycloidal gearbox for 100Nm.

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