
Design Thinking 3: Ideate

A project log for ÓSK Squirrel

An Open Smart Kitchen (OSK) assistant for saving resources and meeting dietary goals by better utilizing the food you squirrel away

manyhatsManyHats 07/29/2019 at 21:450 Comments

The next step in design thinking is Ideation which is idea generation.  We came up with several ideas to solve the problems we identified in the Define phase.  Here are some of our ideas as depicted in these photos.


After this session, we came up with a list of sensors to try. Some of the sensors are pictured here:

Some of the sensors and supplies include:

Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2
Can be used to take photos of food as it leaves a pantry for AI or scan bar codes.

SparkFun Qwiic HAT for Raspberry Pi
Can be used to stack as many sensors as you’d like to create a tower of sensing power!

SparkFun Qwiic Adapter
Can be used to make a I2C board into a Qwiic-enabled board

SparkFun Qwiic Cable Kit
Who doesn't need cable supplies for hacking?!

SparkFun Load Cell - 10kg, Straight Bar (TAL220)
This bar load cell (sometimes called a strain gauge) has the ability translate up to 10kg of pressure into an electrical signal. SparkFun had what seemed to be a great tutorial to help learn about this load cell.

• SparkFun Load Cell Amplifier - HX711
This amplifier is a small breakout board that allows the user to easily read load cells to measure weight. It helps improve accuracy also.

SparkFun Qwiic Scale - NAU7802
This scale allows the user to easily read load cells to accurately measure the weight of an object. By connecting the board to a microcontroller, users can read the changes in the resistance of a load cell. 

• Square Force-Sensitive Resistor
This is a sensor that allow you to detect physical pressure, squeezing, and weight.

• Magnetic Contact Switch (Door sensor)
This is a sensor that is used to detect when a door or drawer is opened.


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