
WiFi Smoke Detector

Smoke detectors are the best way to ensure there is not a fire but they only work if someone can hear it.

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Smoke detectors are the best way to ensure there is not a fire but they only work if someone can hear it. This device fixes this issue by using WiFi to monitor and notify smoke in an environment. The device uses an ESP-12E and can hold up to 4 different smoke and/or gas detectors. The ESP-12E uses a 4051B to read each sensor then reports the sensors values to a server every 5 mins. I made the device to be mounted on a roof and can be powered by a micro USB or other power supply.
With 3D printing, there is a chance that the unit can set fire and some have. This device will ensure if it does it can be put out trying to prevent damage.

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Michael G wrote 05/25/2019 at 06:39 point

Neat  -- have you tested it out?

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Tinkers Projects wrote 06/04/2019 at 04:23 point

i have not tested it 100%, still working server side to send out the messages. i got the email  working but i want sms.

after that i will do a full end-to-end test with smoke and other gases and see how it performs.

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