1 |
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NodeMCU12e LoLin V3
2 |
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HC-SR04P ultrasonic sensor
2 |
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1/2" PVC plastic pipe
1 |
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sediment cartridge water filter 2.6" dia X 9.8" long
1 |
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Dupont 120 wires
1 |
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DS18B20 SS temp sensor - optional
1 |
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1/4" clear plastic tubing roll for well to barrel
1 |
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CR2032 battery for real time clock board - optional
3 |
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telephone cable
6 |
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telephone jack
1 |
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4 channel relay board
2 |
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10X17 protoboard
1 |
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DS3231 real time clock - optional
1 |
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55 gal plastic tank white
1 |
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AC Home Wall Adapter to DC 12V 10A 120W Adapter Converter
2 |
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1/4" copper tubing for well water sensing
1 |
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Onsen 3.0 Diaphragm RV/Marine 12V Water Pump
1 |
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DC 12V High Pressure Diaphragm Water Pump
1 |
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1/2" clear plastic tubing for barrel to tank
1 |
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4" plastic pipe for well casing
1 |
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Optional 7/16" SonopanX to reduce sound of small pump
1 |
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Optional acoustic sealant in joints of SonopanX box