
Science - Muon detection rates

A project log for Cosmic Array

An array of cosmic ray detectors across a landscape that demonstrates in light and sound how cosmic rays are constantly all around us.

paul-schulzPaul Schulz 02/18/2018 at 01:410 Comments

Muon Detection Rate Data

One of the muon detectors (cosmic-array-2-3) has been turned on and left running for an extended period of time and the event data collected, and is displayed in the graph below. (Click on the image to see all the details as the axes don't show up on black with the transparent background.)


Observations on the data:

Data Processing

This data was collected directly on  RaspberryPi Zero W in the Cosmic Array muon detector (cosmic-array-2-3) and logged to a file in the form of 'timestamp channel', where the timestamp is a Unix timestamp (seconds since 1 Jan 1970) with microseconds.

1516084564.897229 1
1516084600.713800 2
1516084615.300136 1
1516084617.992265 0
1516084673.840925 0
1516084676.053668 0
1516084686.885977 1

Using interactive python workbook software,  Jupyter, this data was  read and processed with the Pandas library and plotted with matplotlib.

 All scripts and data are available in the Github repository - PaulSchulz/cosmic-array-science
