
Xling v0.3 - an artistic PCB, ATmega1284P and white OLED with SPI

A project log for Xling

A pocket demon named Exy. Luci? Haven't heard about him.

dsldsl 10/05/2019 at 18:452 Comments

The whole summer has passed and I've finally finished the next version of the toy according to my plan. There are several significant changes which you've probably noticed:

The first one doesn't carry any technical function, but provides a unique look and feel of the PCB (many thanks to SierraSaura for this picture).

The second change is a new ATmega1284P MCU which replaces the previous ATmega328P one.

It is the most important improvement over the previous versions because of the 32 KiB -> 128 KiB flash memory (the only memory on the board to carry a lot of the graphic sprites, for example). An amount of RAM has also been increased from 2 KiB on ATmega328P to 16 KiB on ATmega1284P.

The third change is almost the same OLED display which color is white now instead of the yellow on the previous prototypes and connected using SPI.

All of the previous displays with SH1106 controller were connected via two-wire interface (TWI, another name for I2C) which is relatively slow comparing to the SPI.

However, a driver for the SH1106-based displays I'm working on doesn't support SPI yet. This is the next step on my way and this new Xling v0.3 will help me testing it.

Anyway, if you have any questions and ideas on your mind, feel free to tell me then.

Have a good time!


AccidentalRebel wrote 10/13/2019 at 20:45 point

Hi! You upgraded your microontroller so you can have more memory for your sprites, what do your sprites look like aside from the Luci sprite?

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dsl wrote 10/14/2019 at 06:05 point

Luci is just for the display driver tests. I haven't painted them yet. There is no final decision regarding the first (and probably the only) pet I'll make. I'm open for suggestions. It can be:

- Luci (from Disenchantment);

- Crawg (mount from World of Warcraft);

- ?

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