
Atmos - An Open Source XR Headset for Makers

3D print and build your very own standalone XR headset

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WHY AN OPEN SOURCE XR HEADSET?Our ultimate goal is to bring XR to the mainstream, and being in the infancy of XR, we believe the best way to develop this industry is by providing the right people with the right tools. This headset will help us provide these tools to as many Makers and Hackers as possible.ABOUT USWe are a group of hardware and software Makers providing the opportunity to explore VR at an unprecedented level. The project began 7 months ago when we built our first headset - a video passthrough AR headset along with an augmented workspace experience, and has evolved into the Maker-friendly headset we have today.Go to our website, an idea or suggestion? Join the discussion in our Discord:

Atmos Hardware:

A single board computer (Intel X86) is powered by a Battery Pack (3x 18650 batteries) and feeds the video stream to an LCD panel (2560 x 1440 @ 60hz) which is viewed through a set of Lenses (34mm biconvex).

3D Printed Parts:

The internals are encased in an 11 piece, modular, 3d printed headset accompanied by 2 sets polyurethane pads for the eyes and back of the head. The components are held together by built-in snaps, friction-fit slots, and flexible-filament-printed adjustable straps.

Atmos Software: 

6DOF tracking information is sent from the Xvisio vSLAM module to a browser running a WebVR application. The WebVR application's output is then sent over HDMI to the displays. The Xvisio tracking module can be setup to feed the live stream camera data to the screens for a passthrough AR experience.


Lens-to-screen connector

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Print in TPU/Flexible filament

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Print in TPU/Flexible filament

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Standard Tesselated Geometry - 1.84 MB - 06/17/2019 at 07:49



Standard Tesselated Geometry - 1.18 MB - 06/17/2019 at 07:49


View all 14 files

  • 1 × Udoo X86 Quad core, 8GB RAM SBC
  • 1 × XVisio 3D XR Vision vSlam with 6DOF tracking
  • 1 × 5.5" LCD Panel 2540 x 1440 at 60hz
  • 1 × HDMI to MIPI Screen Driver Board
  • 2 × 34mm Biconvex Lens

View all 6 components

  • Full Beta Builder Assembly

    austin07/25/2019 at 18:31 0 comments

    After lots and lots of iteration, here's the full assembly process! No screws, adhesives, or external parts are needed.

    The full headset takes about 7 minutes to assemble at a leisurely pace. 

    We'll be releasing a PDF of step-by-step instructions and more info. Stay tuned!

  • Standalone Demo: Beta Builder Edition

    austin07/10/2019 at 04:28 1 comment

    After months of work, we’re excited to introduce our functional, 3d printable, standalone VR headset.

    What you’re seeing in the video is a live stream from our headset, of a website (URL) containing WebVR content, which allows VR experiences to be both stored and accessed using existing Internet infrastructure. 

    Software Overview:

    The website receives your current position data from a web browser, which receives your position data from the headset. 

    The headset determines your current position via tracking cameras that use real world geometry (SLAM) to determine where you have moved relative to your initial position. This change in position is then applied to the position of the virtual ‘you’ in the VR experience.

    Hardware Overview:

    14 printed parts. 4 cables. 3 boards. 3 18650 batteries. 2 biconvex lenses. 1 tracking module. 1 LCD panel. 

    The headset was printed using two Creality CR10’s and an Ender 3, all in standard PLA at 0.2mm layer resolution. 

    The assembly process requires no screws or additional fasteners. We designed a variety of mechanisms including friction fit pins and holes, rails and sliders, and a two step push-in-and-slide-to-lock to hold the headset together. 

    What's next?

    - Ship headset kits to Beta Builders

    - Full open source release for Headset hardware and software

    -  Web platform development

    - Top secret hardware development ;)

View all 2 project logs

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SLAVKINGRED wrote 09/13/2023 at 12:58 point

this is so cool,

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