What does it do?
EthExchange provides an unregulated and decentralized exchange for Ethereum tokens. There is a simple Dapp that gives the smart contracts an easy to use interface.
How does EthExchange work?
Each token either has functions to allow trading, or they have a 'latch' contract to add this functionality. The Dapp interfaces with whichever contract enables trading, pulling data from the Ethereum network through MetaMask injected web3.
All of the code executes on the client, so private keys and other sensitive information never reaches the server. There is no PHP, all of the 'working' code is in JavaScript. I couldn't figure out Node.js so I am not using it.
EthExchange is on IPFS (more details here), a decentralized way to store files. It can be accessed via your browser!
How can I take a look/try it out?
Currently EthExchange can be found at https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmeXq8wWyxajJpV1hHLxewYPqYwuczTSVsm9kWHxc3Ydkw. Eventually I will have a permanent link.
To use it you may need to disable your adblocker. I have to disable mine. Try with Adblock first if you have it, disable at your discretion.
You may also clone the repository here and run ./test.sh . You will need MetaMask, python and SimpleHTTPServer. It will open chrome if you have it, otherwise open any browser and go to http://localhost:8080/index.html . From there you will be able to trade any coins I have listed.
If that's what you think, don't use it. I put effort in to making this. I have in no way profited.
Please do some research or use your brain before writing some degrading comment like that.