
Traction Control Lamborghini Power Wheel

Upgraded a 6V Lamborghini Power Wheel to a 12V and added traction control that is configurable via WiFi.

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This is one of my most ambitious projects to date. As usual, I had no idea how to start this project and it went through several versions before it started working. Some of that is in the video, but I cut out a lot of it because I didn’t think people would want an hour long video.

The 6V power wheel was fine for a while but my son quickly grew out of it. Researching online it was easy to upgrade it to a 12V. Afterwards, the power was too much so I decided to add a little HACKADAY to the project to limit the top speed and control the power to the wheel when it is slipping, traction control!

Here is a YouTube video of the complete build.

Lets start off with my original thoughts on this project.

Original Project Requirements:

  1. Add more power to the Lamborghini
    1. Add 12V battery
    2. Replace 6V motor with 12V
  2. Keep the original 6V electronics
    1. Remote control still operational
    2. Sounds still operational
    3. Lights still operational
    4. Original 6V charger still operational
  3. Keep all batteries and electronics under seat
  4. Forward and reverse should still work

The first thing I purchased was the battery and new motor from Amazon. I originally used 12V automotive relays to power the new motor. In the video you can see this working. The rear wheel spun the entire time. It was a lot of power for a 4 year old with poor driving skills.

Knowing this would be too dangerous for him, I decided to control the power. I considered just doing a simple ramping of power but the top speed was still about 12Mph. The original top speed was 3Mph! So this lead me to developing speed limits. In order for me to get the speed feedback, I had to add wheel encoders of some type.

At this point the new requirements could have been complete but I usually do unnecessary things. So I thought it would be cool to add traction control. Its only one additional wheel encoder right!?

Modified Requirements:

  1. Add more power to the Lamborghini
    1. Add 12V battery
    2. Replace 6V motor with 12V
  2. Keep the original 6V electronics
    1. Remote control still operational
    2. Sounds still operational
    3. Lights still operational
    4. Original 6V charger still operational
  3. Keep all batteries and electronics under seat
  4. Forward and reverse should still work
  5. Add power management
    1. Ramp power according to Sport or comfort modes
    2. Micro controller should be ESP8266
    3. Wireless webpage user interface
      1. Sport,  Comfort settings
      2. Top speed limiter select
      3. Report current wheel speeds
    4. Add 2 wheel encoders to detect top speed
      1. Wheel encoders will also detect wheel slip
    5. ESP8266 will limit top speed to selected value
      1. 3, 6, 8, 10, 12 Mph

I love writing code so programming the ESP8266 was fun for me. Possibly I made this project more complicated just for this reason?? Because of this personal problem, I also added graphical gauges for speed. These gauges were originally a clock tutorial I modified into a speed gauge. It can be found here:

Of course you can also look at the final code if you want gauges too!

The next part of my life was not good. Trying to control the power going to the wheel was tough for me and like usual, I made it extra hard for myself. For some reason, I wanted to control the negative side of the motor with a TIP120. There was too much current going to the wheel so I changed it to a 30amp MOSFET.

The MOSEFT actually worked but blew out every time I would drive the Lambo forward and stop. I must have rebuilt this board 5 times, each adding more diodes and researching online for an answer. Eventually I understood that the MOSFET was trying to tell me to go a different direction. I went to my friend Amazon for an answer and it had one. There was a 43amp H-bridge controllers for about $15! So much time was wasted!

The H-bridge on Amazon was the HiLetgo BTS7960 43A High Power Motor Driver Module. It has a nasty huge heat sink too. Perfect for this project I could hardly wait the 2 days for it to arrive.

After changing to the H-bridge, life was good again and the sun came back out. But only for a moment. I connected the optical encoders to 5V and the ESP8266 did not agree with this. I murdered to ESP8266 before I realized what was wrong. Then I ordered 2 new ones from, yet again, Amazon. No this isn't an Amazon commercial. The ESP8266s I received were bigger than the ones I originally had so I had to rebuild the control board to make them fit. Ahhhh!!!

After the ESP8266 fiasco, I was finally able to start tuning the traction control. I originally used some 2nd order polynomial but found that a linear equation...

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optical wheel speed sensor.jpg

This is one of the wheel speed sensors I used. There was one on each rear wheel to detect slip.

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The 12v traxxas Titan 12T motor I used; drop in replacement for the original 6v crappy motor.

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final board design.jpg

I finally wised up and just bought a 40amp H-bridge. ts7960b

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board design 2.jpg

My second attempt at building the power board using a MOSFET RFP30N06LE

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board design 1.jpg

My first attempt at building the power board using a TIP120.

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View all 8 files

  • 1 × Rastar Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 6V Remote Controlled Car The power wheel
  • 1 × Traxxas 3785 Titan 12 Turn 550 Motor The 12V motor upgrade
  • 1 × ExpertPower 12V 7 Amp EXP1270 Rechargeable Lead Acid Battery The upgraded 12V battery
  • 1 × BTS7960B 43A Double DC Stepper Motor Driver H-Bridge The H-Bridge that saved me from going crazy trying to use FETs
  • 1 × ESP8266 microcontroller NodeMCU Lua V3 WIFI with CH340G Makes this power wheel wireless!

  • 1930s Radio

    W. Jason Altice06/21/2019 at 05:04 0 comments

    My next project is modifying a 1930s cabinet style radio to use Bluetooth and play area correct music using the original dial. It is really cool because you can tune in the next song just like it was back in the day. I'll post project soon.

    Or, check out some of my other projects.

  • Project has closed

    W. Jason Altice06/21/2019 at 04:55 0 comments

    On to the next project. Since I posted this video, my son has driven the power wheel about 5 times. It was fun but maybe not worth the investment in time.

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georgetillett wrote 07/04/2019 at 06:22 point

Good project Jason, did you consider installing a second motor and gearbox? These are readily available and most of these cars have room for the second motor. Even with your traction control there will be a lot less wheel spin with 2 wheels driven...this could expand your project by having individual traction control for each driven wheel.

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