
Small laser plotter for PCB manufacture

This is my next attempt to build a laser plotter to do the exposing part in the PCB manufacture process.

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This is my next attempt to build a laser plotter to do the exposing part in the PCB manufacture process. I am trying to do this with a laser plotter since I do not like the toner transfer method (to much variables e.g. temperature, toner etc) and printing transparencies with the PCB layout. Ideally the process should be like this: Layout in KiCAD -> Gerber file -> GCODE -> Isolation path exposition with UV-laser.
The first attempt was my 'Yet another laser plotter' project and it failed because it was still not precise enought. In this project I build a smaller laser plotter solely designed for this task.

There a the following boundary conditions for this machine:
- Maximal working area for EU-standard formats (10x15 and 10x16 cm)
- Has to have a resolution so that 0.5 mm pin spacing can be done for SMD parts
- Use Opensource software
- Use readily available parts
- Not to expensive

This project is shelved.

I had some trouble with the lead screw and could not be bothered to buy a new one.

The generel principal works. For now I am making my PCBs the classical way (lithography and etching).

Maybe I am reviving this project one day, it is kinda cool.

For the documentation on how I make my one an two layer PCBs, see my other projects.


Mounting holes for Nema 11 on 35x35 mm plate

svg+xml - 4.04 kB - 11/17/2019 at 20:22



Mounting holes for MGN9 carrige

svg+xml - 3.81 kB - 11/17/2019 at 20:22



Mounting holes for Nema 11 on 30x30 mm plate

svg+xml - 6.93 kB - 11/17/2019 at 20:22


  • 2 × Nema 11 stepper motor
  • 1 × Motor driver board with micro controller I reused mine from my 'Yet another laser plotter' project
  • 2 × 608ZZ ball bearing
  • 2 × 8 mm trapezoidal screw with brass nut, for 3D printers
  • 2 × 20x60 Bosch Aluminium profile, 340 mm

View all 17 components

  • Got distrected with other projects :/

    dechemist11/17/2019 at 19:58 0 comments

    Sorry for the long time without any updates. I got distrected with other projects like forging a caming knife, building a geiger-müller counter (not finished) and lockpicking. I will give my best to finish the project and documentation in the near future.

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lizzierogers26 wrote 09/12/2023 at 06:26 point

In the process of manufacturing printed circuit boards (PCBs), it is imperative to create a prototype PCB. This is because significant design flaws could emerge during production, resulting in costly and challenging corrections. Hence, having a PCB prototype is an essential precautionary measure to preempt any potential problems during large-scale production. See to know more. Enhancing the efficiency of your design during the prototyping phase can significantly enhance the performance of your final product. Moreover, within the PCB manufacturing process, this approach allows for the rectification of any defects that could compromise the quality or effectiveness of the end product.

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