
XT-2-PS2 Adapter Assembled!

A project log for AT2XT Keyboard Adapter

A simple adapter to enable the use of a modern PS2 keyboard on IBM XT computers

daves-dev-labDave's Dev Lab 07/13/2019 at 03:250 Comments

The PCBs arrived today from JLCPCB ! I quickly assembled the board and did some tests. Worked on the first try! The original reference design for this called out 4.7K Ohm resistors which is what i tested with first, however I wanted to see if worked using 10K Ohm resistors as well and it did. I also made the design with large spacing for both the diode and resistors so that you can using 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 Watt resistors or alternative diodes int he design! After final testing, I mounted the adapter along with the ATX PSU Adapter on a piece of scrap acrylic....
