11Reconnect ultrasonic sensor
There is a pin conflict so you need to move two of the jumper wires on the ultrasonic sensor.
ECHO - A2, TRIG - A1
12Upload Cat_Detector.ino
Use Arduino IDE to upload Cat_Detector.ino to your Arduino Uno.
Change the threshold at the top to match the number you settled on during the microphone testing.
Test out all the components by moving your hand in and out of range for the ultrasonic sensor.
Make your best meow sounds to test the microphone.
13Make your enclosure
I made my enclosure using scrap plastic.
I cut out (2) 2"x4" pieces and (2) 4"x3" pieces.
I used a medium body solvent glue to fix these into a 4-sided box.
You could just as easily use cardboard, wood, or whatever you feel like to hold your project.
14Mount electronics
I drilled 1/8" holes for screws in my enclosure, and then countersunk each hole with a larger drill bit so the head of the screw would be recessed.
I used (5) M2.5 x 10mm standoffs and (10) M2.5 x 6mm screws to mount the Arduino Uno and the Microphone.
I used scrap wire to mount the Ultrasonic sensor so that I could adjust where it points.
153D Print the Cali Cat
If you have access to a 3D printer print the following statue:
I used the following settings on my Monoprice Maker Select V2.
- 300% scale
- 5% infill
- .2mm layer height
- Purple PLA (Bed 100C, Extruder 215C) Monoprice PLA Plus
- 50 mm/s print speed, 100mm/s travel speed, 25 mm/s first layer
- 8 mm brim
16Attach the statue
I used the same medium body solvent glue to attach the statue to the top of my enclosure.
17Battery power or wall wart
There are many ways to power an Arduino.
I chose to use a lipstick sized phone charger and I plugged the USB cable into that.
If you choose this method, a few things need to be considered.
- The battery can't have a button that needs to be pressed to start it.
- The battery can't be too smart, the current draw from an Arduino won't register as a charging device and it will shut off
The wall wart can be used with a long cable.
18Install your cat detector
Install your cat detector in a place of your choosing.
Connect the power.
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