Quantity | Component name | |
1 | × | MPXV7002DP breakout board |
1 | × | Arduino Nano V3.0 with I/O expansion board |
1 | × | Serial LCD 1602 16x2 module with IIC/I2C adapter blue or green |
1 | × | 12x12x7.3mm Momentary Tactile Push Button Switch with a keycap |
1 | × | DC 5V Active Sound Buzzer |
1 | × | 2mm ID, 4mm OD, Flexible Silicone Rubber Tubing |
1 | × | Dupont jumper wires and self-tapping screws (M3x16mm, M1.4x6mm, 6 each) |
1 | × | 3D printed sensor body and the case |