
BigFuckingBadge: Kat's Midi Synth

A ridiculously over-sized DEFCON27 badge, thrown together in record time on a shoestring budget

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At DC26, Erin suggested to me that we build our own badge. Then we joked about making it really, really big. Super fucking big, on no budget, limited resources, and no time. Total actual dev and assembly time: 2.5 months... 0_o The badge is as big as we could make it and still fit it in my DIY reflow oven. It's a MIDI player with a built-in MIDI controller reading from a flash chip with ~45 pre-loaded songs, and, of course, some RGB LEDs, and a few capacitive touch pads for buttons. The MCUs are ATTINY412, use to see what could be squeezed out of the little bastards. The badge is silly for the sake of being silly, with some fun electronics included. For those who find the badge, further instructions are on our website at

We really started way to late on this project but in the end, it really turned out great. 

Will people like it? IDK. We do. Should we have made it? Probably not.

More details will be added soon, along with the circuit and board design to GITHUB.

And, once I edit down some of the other videos for size reasons, I'll add those too. For now, this was just a first attempt at a badge, with silly proportions, a bit of electronics to make it interesting, sound to make it stand out (a.k.a. annoying), some APA201c LEDs because, well, you have to, a nod to hackability, a few Easter eggs, no budget, rushed circuit artwork (I'm so embarrassed), and crappy code (I'm so ashamed).

This project is dedicated to my daughter, Katerina, who was born just as I started working on this thing.

BTW. For those who find the badge, we do have a website (that we will eventually complete) at


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John Jones wrote 08/11/2019 at 22:27 point

What songs were on this? There was one I hadn't heard in awhile and can't remember the name of 

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hexum064 wrote 08/12/2019 at 16:34 point

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liath wrote 08/19/2019 at 18:59 point

Thanks! It was the Metroid theme I was looking for. Idk how I forgot it lol

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hexum064 wrote 07/27/2019 at 04:45 point

@Ken Yap Not well known, but the T.S. in T.S. Eliot ACTUALLY stood for Tardar Sauce.

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Ken Yap wrote 07/27/2019 at 05:27 point


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Ken Yap wrote 07/26/2019 at 05:38 point

Hahaha, Grumpy Cat. RIP. She was just a regular cat but with underbite and feline dwarfism that made her look that way.

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hexum064 wrote 07/26/2019 at 13:52 point

I think her real name was adorable too. She was a sweet cat and I will miss her on the same level as any pet owner, even if I only knew here from pictures and videos.

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Ken Yap wrote 07/27/2019 at 02:20 point

Ah but T.S. Eliot will tell you that a cat has "The name that no human research can discover—but THE CAT HIMSELF KNOWS, and will never confess." (Sorry, in those days Eliot was not gender correct.)

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