Main features:
- Selectable frequencies of spectrum to display (512 possible frequencies)
- Configurable via serial connection (TTL level)
- Any character LCD will fit - from 16x2 to 80x4
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Main features:
You can see the progress in the quarterfinal video:
A check-list of quarterfinal:
I soldered all the parts. The layout of the board is terrible but it works.
Some notes:
So, looks like a list of several small improvements for the next version of the PCB :)
Block diagram added to show possible connections of the external devices
Kicad files committed to GitHub
Schematic in PDF also included:
One-sided PCB is traced with Toporouter for prototype only.
A smaller two-sided PCB is planned after testing the prototype.
Youtube video shows a very early prototype implemented on Arduino using 20x4 character LCD.
Test signal is generated with Matlab (background music is not used as a signal).
Design stage: two low-pass filters - 1kHz and 16kHz - simulated on Multisim.
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