The idea of the Linki project is to create a physical medium that would use the powers of the internet, but still would provide a possibility for physical interaction between people. It's a simple object that could be used to link online dynamic media content in the physical space. The return of the cassette and vinyls shows that there is a need for physical objects tied to media content. Linki provides a method to share the content in a simple, cheap and creative way.
The plan is also to make it possible to record new linkies, similar to the culture of cassette recordings in the 80s. Linki standard does is meant to be accessible for anyone, even without the linki devices.
The hardware and software is still being developed and would need some helping hands. Hardware and software is open source under MIT license.
The devices will be sold as kits. Workshops will be organized how to build linki devices and linkies themselves as well. It's a great way to teach simple interaction design projects involving a little programming and little physical design.