I love this anime! This pin also uses ATTINY85 MCU. The design is based on Ranma 1/2 character.
The art was created with inkscape and the svg2Shenzhen extension was used to create the mod files to be used in KiCAD.
The are two versions of the board:
- With CR2032 battery.
- Lipo battery, a JST-PH 2 pin connector was included.
8 LEDs are charliplexed with ATTINY85 and a push button was included so user can choose between different LED sequences.
Mfg used a considerable amount of white silkscreen and the result wasn't that great >:(
We used acrylic painting (Tamiya) and added spots to the white silkscreen. I kinda like the result :)
This is the backside using CR2032 socket.
And this is the backside with lipo battery connector.
So cool, with one of my favorite character!