
Progress Update #1

A project log for ZTO-80 Computer System

A powerful Z80 computer built around a highly expandable central bus design

jacob-hahnJacob Hahn 08/30/2019 at 01:490 Comments

Hey everyone,

I just thought I’d go ahead and give a quick update on how things are going with the project. Just tonight, I received enough parts to be able to make 2 more PCBs. I still haven’t been able to grab my multimeter to diagnose the non-working prototype, but I should be able to have it by tomorrow evening and test the board then. I’ll also take some time this weekend to solder at least one of the new boards and test it out.

On another note, thanks for 10 likes. It might not seem like much, but as a sophomore in high school it’s more than I was expecting. I originally posted this project here to have a personal log that I could look at in the future and share with anyone interested. It’s completely outside of school and as such I need to be able to keep tabs on where I go with it, along with balancing time spent on it with schoolwork. It’s been an amazing way to learn about the workings of computers so far, along with being a fun hobby.

Yesterday, I added a header in the details section for future plans. They’re goals that I want to try and work towards, and while I may not get to all of them, there are a few in there that I really want to try and do.

Check back in a few days for when I finish soldering!
