
Delta X - Opensource Delta Robot Kit

The First Opensource Delta Robot Kit In The World

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Delta X is the first open source delta robot which is known as the fastest robot in the world. Delta X is not only a complete desktop robot but also a modular kit. Most machanical parts can be easily 3D printed. It has the same control circuit components as a Reprap 3D printer, accompanied by additional circuits to control the end effectors. We solved the forward and inverse kinematics equations and optimized the control algorithm to be able to run well on the Arduino Mega 2560. Delta X is packaged and controlled by via G-code commands sent to the Serial port. It can be easily controlled by desktops, laptops, smartphones and other programming boards via wired or bluetooth and wifi. Moreover, coming along with Delta X is as an open source software written in C ++ on the Qt framework, the software uses two OpenCV and OpenGl libraries. We will soon launch Delta X on Kickstarter in August 2019. If successful fundraising we will share all the sources of Delta X on the Internet.

Delta X is a robot project for the community. Delta X can be used for education, makers, self-employers, factories. With many kinds of end effectors, Delta X can complete a lot tasks. Delta X is the most high-speed and flexible desktop robot in the world.

Mechanical details such as mounts, case, joints ... are 3D printed. Aluminum extrusion profile is used to make bearing frames and carbon tubes are used to make forearms. Delta X uses a Nema 17 stepper motor to control the three theta corners of the robot. Although there is no encoder, we have optimized the control algorithm to produce the smoothest and most accurate movements of the end effectors.

We use Arduino Mega 2560 as the main controller and C ++ programming language to write firmware. However, the kinetic calculations of delta robot and the motor control with the high pulse cycle on the 8bit chip is really challenging. We spent more than a year solving hardware limitation issues, created a program framework that can integrate many smooth running algorithms together, optimized each code line and standardized programs. We consulted and applied grbl's control algorithm, followed by the SmootherStepper method to run 3 motors with frequencies up to 50 micros and less steps. Delta X uses the same circuits as a 3D Reprap printer with several additional circuits to control the end effectors.

Delta X is packaged as a CNC machine, only receiving Gcode control commands sent to the Serial port. So we can control Delta from many control devices such as computers, smartphones, programming boards, etc. via wired and wireless connections such as bluetooth and wifi.

We created a control software that comes with Delta X. This software is written in C ++ on the framework of Qt, so it can run on all three operating systems: Windows, Ubuntu, MacOS. It is designed to be almost fully functional like industrial software with key features such as Gcode editor, real-time control interface, gcode export modules, .... Especially Gcode editors support Gcode syntaxes which program logical structure. In addition, the software can control multiple delta X robots simultaneously through wired and wireless connections. It also uses libraries such as OpenCV and OpengGl. So when it is open source, this will be the documents that people can use to study these two libraries.

We decide to bring this project to Kickstarter by the end of August 2019. If it is successfully fundraising, we will public all sources including code, circuit design and mechanical design on the internet for people to research and  make a Delta X in your own way. However, we are having a problem of not having enough money to run ads to reach the Backers. Every successful project on Kickstarter needs support from a number of backers in the first release hours to be recognized as "Project we love" and shown on the homepage. So if we can not do that, our  project will sink and nobody knows about Delta X. So we hope everyone will support Delta X and share it with others. Thank you very much.

Delta X Fanpage : Delta X

Sign up for HUGE discounts when we launch on Kickstarter!

// Update

After long days of waiting, Delta X, the first open source delta robot kit in the world, is finally launched on Kickstarter. Click on the link to get our discount rewards.…/delta-x-the-first-open-source…

// Update 2

So the Delta X crowdfunding project on Kickstarter was failed. We still lack too much experience for this first time. We didn't notice two things: shipping and marketing. Delta X is our passionate project so we can not give it up. Many people have sent us emails saying they still want Delta X even if the fundraising project fails. So we decided to do the other campaign on Indiegogo. 

This time we will call for fundraising with the amount of only $ 10,000 within 15 days, and specially the rewards will be more attractive, the shipping cost will be...

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  • 1 × Arduino Mega 2560
  • 1 × Ramps 1.4
  • 3 × Ball Bearing 6
  • 1 × Other parts
  • 3 × Driver A4988

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jlipavsky79 wrote 03/26/2020 at 19:01 point

if this is open source...... Where are the files????

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Doan Hong Trung wrote 04/03/2020 at 10:28 point

I just open-source Delta X on April 2, 2020


Delta X community:

Delta X firmware:
Delta X 3D printed parts:

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