
WiFi + GPRS + GPS tracking, all in one?

This IOT node has both WiFi and GPRS support. That means it's perfect for just about any wireless or Internet-connected project.

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WiFi+Cellular + GPS tracking, all in one? Oh yes! Introducing ESP-12S A9G GSM GPRS+GPS IOT Node, an all-in-one cellular phone module with WiFi module with that lets you add location-tracking, text, SMS and data to your project. This IOT node has both WiFi and GPRS support. That means it's perfect for just about any wireless or Internet-connected project.

WiFi+Cellular + GPS tracking, all in one? Oh yes! Introducing ESP-12S A9G GSM GPRS+GPS IOT Node, an all-in-one cellular phone module with WiFi module with that lets you add location-tracking, text, SMS and data to your project. This IOT node has both WiFi and GPRS support. That means it's perfect for just about any wireless or Internet-connected project.

This is the ESP-12S A9G GSM GPRS+GPS IOT Node, which based on the ESP-12S and the cellular phone module A9G. TWO modules all are come from Ai-thinker. With built in USB and battery charging, it is a really IOT development board. It is very useful on your IOT project.

At the IOT Node’s heart is an ESP8266 WiFi microcontroller clocked at 80 MHz and at 3.3V logic. This microcontroller contains a Tensilica chip core as well as a full WiFi stack. You can program the microcontroller using the Arduino IDE for an easy-to-run Internet of Things core. We wired up a CH340C USB-Serial chip that can upload code at a blistering 921600 baud for fast development time. It also has auto-reset so no noodling with pins and reset button pressings.

The A9G can be used in a wide range of IoT applications and is ideal for IoT applications for home automation, industrial wireless control, wearable electronics, wireless location sensing devices, wireless location system signals and other IoT applications.


SIM Card! A 2G Nano SIM card is required to do anything on the cellular network. US AT&T no longer sells 2G SIMs and will shut off their 2G network, so for American customers we recommend any T-Mobile or reseller (TING, SIMPLE mobile, etc) that uses the T-Mobile network.

We added a connector for 3.7V Lithium polymer batteries and built in battery charging. A 500mAh+ Lipoly battery is required for use, it keeps the cellular module happy during the high current spikes. Plug the IOT Node into microUSB to charge at 500mA.

ESP-12S Feature:

ESP8266 @ 80MHz with 3.3V logic/power 

4MB of FLASH (32 MBit) 

Built in WiFi 802.11 b/g/n 

3.3V regulator with 500mA peak current output 

Auto-reset support for getting into bootload mode before firmware upload 

4 x GPIO pins - can also be used as I2C 

1 x analog inputs 3.3V max 

Built in 500mA LiPoly charger with charging status indicator LED Reset button

A9G Feature:

Quad-band 850/900/1800/1900MHz - connect onto any global GSM network with any 2G SIM 

Fully-integrated GPS 

Send and receive SMS messages 

Send and receive GPRS data (TCP/IP, HTTP, etc.) 

Support standard GSM07.07, 07.05 AT commands and Ai-Thinker extended commands 

Support GPS, BD Nano SIM Card holder

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Borel Kamnang wrote 12/01/2021 at 13:15 point

please can't i get the PCB file of this board ?

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davewallace043 wrote 05/08/2021 at 00:26 point

Im having a nightmare with this board.  Im trying to make a tracker which will send its gps location to a http server in json format.  I would like it to then sleep between gps readings and possibly use location=1 (agps) to speed up the time to get a fix.  It appears to randomly crash and the AT+HTTPPOST command doesn't appear to do anything at all.  Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

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Carlos94 wrote 06/08/2021 at 14:34 point


I'm trying to do the same, if you could send me a clue i would be gratefull,


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geiger_kh wrote 03/28/2021 at 08:35 point

Hallo Spezialisten, 

Ich habe dieses IOT zur Rettung meines
Rasenmäherrobbo erstanden.

Ich möchte, dass er bei seiner Arbeit vor der Garge, nicht mehr überfahren wird. Eine LED Rundumlicht sollte anschaltet, wenn es dunkel ist und sich vor der Garagenbereich befindet (GPRS Bereich). 

Tasmota habe ich mal auf den ESP gespielt, damit ich WLAN-Kommunikation habe und
auch ein Script einspielen kann. 

Nur wie kann ich dem A9G die Positionsdaten entlocken?

Wer kann mir eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung geben, um dieses Modul zu programmieren (Script)?

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elsoleco wrote 06/26/2020 at 11:37 point


I have this IoT module. It is great but it looks there is one problem with HTTP GET command to publish data with AT commands to ThingSpeak. And also MQTT PUBLISH to ThingSpeak is problem as I can not CONNECT to ThingSpeak. Is there any limitation on CSQ (Signal Quality) because my CSQ is always below 20. Or is there another catch in syntax of MQTTPUB command.

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Franklin Bonfim wrote 03/25/2021 at 18:47 point

Hi. Were you able to send it to thingspeak? They have the same problem.

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vmencin wrote 03/26/2021 at 08:49 point

No. It does not work. So I used Portable 4G Router LTE Wireless to connect to internet (which can be very useful as you will have locally internet everywhere for up to 10 users). So this is in case of boat monitor (for anchor control, bilge pump control,...) even better.

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pratamamp wrote 05/20/2020 at 01:09 point

Great project since i know!,.had looking for this project board,. Is this for sale project board?.. please answer and contact me on [] 

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seilerjacinda925 wrote 11/19/2019 at 14:39 point

Nice to meet you after viewing your profile i am Jacinda, from (jakarta) indonesia,

i have a project discussion with you please email me on: (

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