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NodeMCU Lua ESP8266
ESP-12E, CP2102
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BME280 I2C breakout
Measures temperature, humidity, barometric pressure
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ADS1115 ADC Breakout
16-bit 4-channel anadlog-digital converter, I2C
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Proto-board 3.3V and 5V Power Supply
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DS3231 AT24C32 I2C Real Time Clock Module
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Plantower PMS5003 Laser Particle Counter
Measures 2.5um and 10um particulate concentrations
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Spec-Sensors Ozone ULPSM Module
Ozone sensor with analog driver breakout board
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Spec-Sensors NO2 ULPSM Module
NO2 sensor with analog driver breakout board
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Spec-Sensors CO ULPSM Module
CO sensor with analog driver breakout board
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Spec-Sensors SO2 ULPSM Module
SO2 sensor with analog driver breakout board