
PyonAir - IoT air pollution monitor

An open-source, low-cost device for monitoring and transmitting local air pollution levels.

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The PyonAir is a low-cost system for monitoring local air pollution levels. Based around the Pycom LoPy4 board and Grove-compatible hardware, our system can transmit data over both LoRa and WiFi. The sensors we have implemented measure particulate matter (PM) air pollution.

This project was initially developed and deployed at the University of Southampton.

The aim of the PyonAir project is to deploy a network of low-cost, IoT pollution monitors that will allow us to gather crucial information about the distribution and causes of air pollution. By making the project open-source, with easy setup instructions, we hope to make the PyonAir device accessible to anyone who is interested in air quality, either personally or professionally. 

For example, this device can be used to collect data for student projects, PhDs and independent parties, making vital research that has a reputation for soaring costs much more attainable. The project may also be used for outreach purposes, communicating with members of the public about their local air quality and the steps that can be taken to improve it.

Seeed bom 12Sep (1).xlsx

Bill of materials to upload to the Seeed Fusion PCBA service.

Microsoft Office - OOXML - Spreadsheet - 51.07 kB - 09/13/2019 at 10:30


Interactive BOM.xlsx

An interactive bill of materials, including purchase links.

sheet - 18.39 kB - 09/09/2019 at 21:27


V5 schematic.pdf

The schematic for the PyonAir V5 PCB.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 57.37 kB - 09/09/2019 at 20:44


V5 Eagle

Eagle files (schematic + board) for the PyonAir V5 PCB.

x-zip-compressed - 46.18 kB - 09/09/2019 at 20:44


PyonAir v5

Gerber files for the PyonAir PCB. You can upload this folder to most PCB production websites to order the PCB for yourself.

x-zip-compressed - 317.63 kB - 09/06/2019 at 11:51


  • 1 × LoPy4 Pycom's LoPy4 development board offers 4 wireless communication modes: LoRa, Sigfox, WiFi & Bluetooth. The board is programmed using MicroPython and is compatible with any of the Pycom shields.
  • 1 × PyonAir PCB A custom PCB designed for this project, which can be purchased pre-populated from Seeed Studio.
  • 1 × TSRN 1-2450 Voltage Regulator The voltage regulator used on our PyonAir PCB is the TSRN 1-2450 step-down switching regulator. This regulator provides the circuit with a steady 5 V supply with a wide range of input voltages (6.5 V - 42 V).
  • 1 × MicroSD Card Any standard MicroSD card should work with our air pollution monitor. Of course, larger cards will allow you to store more readings, which might be helpful if you want to add more sensors or record data more frequently.
  • 1 × FTDI Cable This is used to program the LoPy4 and for debugging.

View all 13 components

  • PCBA update from Seeed Studio

    Hazel Mitchell09/11/2019 at 20:43 0 comments

    Here are some progress shots that Seeed Studio emailed us for the PCBA progress on V5. The board looks so different with SMDs!

  • Onto V5...

    Hazel Mitchell09/09/2019 at 21:31 0 comments

    V4 has proven successful, so with only a few minor tweaks, V5 has gone into production!

    Not long now until we'll have 100 completed boards ready to set up across Southampton...

  • PCB evolution

    Hazel Mitchell09/09/2019 at 10:45 0 comments

    Over the past 12 weeks, the PCB design has evolved in many ways! Here are the first 3 versions. Can you spot the differences?

  • PCBs in production!

    Hazel Mitchell09/07/2019 at 10:18 0 comments

    Our original PyonAir PCBs are currently being manufactured by Seeed Studio. The empty boards have already been made, so now they're off to be populated with all the components we need.

View all 4 project logs

  • 1
    For full instructions, please visit:

    To avoid confusion, the following instructions will only cover the steps for making a PyonAir monitor using the PCBA approach. If you'd like to hand-solder the PCB or use breadboard, please visit:

    The GitBook guide also includes additional information and resources not covered here.

  • 2
    PCBA ordering
    1. Login or create an account at
    2. Click on 'Order Now'.
    3. Upload Gerber Files.
    4. Adjust settings:
      • PCB quantity
      • Surface finish: HASL Lead Free
    5. Add assembly drawing & pick and place file. (Same as Gerber files)
    6. Type in PCBA quantity.
    7. Add to cart and order!
  • 3
    Soldering the voltage regulator

    The only part that requires soldering when using Seeed's PCBA service is the TSRN 1-2450 voltage regulator. You can include this in the assembly BOM instead but it may add a lot more time to the order.

    If you're happy to solder it by hand, simply add the regulator to the place indicated by the silkscreen, making sure the orientation is correct. The white dot on the silkscreen should line up with the white dot on the regulator.

View all 7 instructions

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nisixir221 wrote 12/28/2021 at 14:00 point


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