Commissioned by Taylor Group/Globacore to develop an app for Telus. The app controlled strings of neopixel LEDs embedded in a custom designed sculptural relief designed by Kwest. It was developed in Cordova with HTML, CSS and JS and deployed on an Android tablet. The app consists of an idle screen showing a video, and when touched the screen divides into 4 quadrants each displaying a video of a light pattern. When that quadrant is selected the corresponding pattern ripples throughout the wall. After a period of time the wall returns to its idle state.
Interesting piece. I like how the light is subtle, peeking out from behind all those shapes. Do the phones do anything special in terms of control? Or is control all through the tablet?
Interesting piece. I like how the light is subtle, peeking out from behind all those shapes. Do the phones do anything special in terms of control? Or is control all through the tablet?