OpenLeg started as my Senior Design project for ECE445 at UIUC. The goal of the project is to provide a fully open source robotic leg capable of fast dynamic movements for research and development of quadrupedal robots. OpenLeg is intended to make development of robotic legs and associated algorithms accessible to hobbyists and researchers with tight schedules or budgets. All files required for replicating OpenLeg are provided on GitHub along with a detailed assembly guide walking through the mechanical and electrical assembly.Please reach out to me at if you are interested in building the leg or contributing to the project.Recent Updates:The wiring guide for the power supplies was just added! Now all essential mechanical and electrical assembly steps are detailed in the guide.
Please visit the OpenLeg GitHub for the latest details and files.
Hi, yes you can control the torque of the motors. I used the ODrive for controlling the motors in senior design so it has all of the functionality the ODrive offers. I'm working on a single-motor controller now which will fit nicely next to each motor, these also have all of the functionality of the ODrive since the circuit is almost the same and it uses the stock ODrive firmware, I'm still working on getting the performance to match an original ODrive though.
Awesome looking project! Is there an STP file of the whole leg assembled?