The video I just made is at  and is called  Comparing three SDRs - First Steps

It will be available about 6:30 pm Houston time on 18 Sep 2019.

I compare two RTL_SDR Blog V3s and then one of them to a NooElec E4000.  

I am using SDR# -

and RTL_Power -

Not in this video, I also looked at the AirSpy Discovery at and do not recommend it.  It might be technically a good device, but software support is mostly not there. You can look at pretty pictures with SDR#, but it won't work with RTL_Power.  Nor will it work with AirSpy's own SpectrumSpy.  My impression is the RTL_SDR V3 is more stable and reliable at this point.

I am just getting started, am hampered by poor documentation, and partly because I have never listened to the radio the way the "professionals" have.  I am a mathematical statistician.  So I am more interested in the numbers than the pictures.  I like a good visualization as much as the next guy, but if it is just "eye candy" - pictures with no access to the complete data, it is useless to me.