
RIP Skeleton

A 3D Printed Halloween Themed "Do Nothing Box".

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"RIP Skeleton" is a 3D printed Halloween themed "Do Nothing Box". Simply press the red button, and RIP Skeleton arises red faced from his candle illuminated coffin to "press" the red button and return to darkness for his "rest in peace".

The design is reminiscent of the electro-mechanical pinball machines I repaired for a local entertainment distributor while attending college some 40 years ago (we still have a fully functional electro-mechanical "Captain Fantastic" pinball machine, circa 1976, in our game room). Instead of a using a micro controller and servos, this electro-mechanical model uses a single motor and a two lobe camshaft to control the simple animation and lighting via two micro roller switches following the camshaft lobes.

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Dan Maloney wrote 09/25/2019 at 16:15 point

The mechanism to raise and twist the skeleton reminds me a bit of the twisting gear on old jukeboxes:

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Greg Zumwalt wrote 09/25/2019 at 16:59 point

Hi Dan,

Brilliant observation! 

 I mentioned repairing electro-mechanical pinball machines during my college years, but I didn't mention repairing jukeboxes.  The mechanism is a combination of the two.


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Dan Maloney wrote 09/24/2019 at 15:36 point

I love that mechanism! So cool what you can accomplish with microswitch logic and a few gears and cams.

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Greg Zumwalt wrote 09/24/2019 at 16:21 point

Hi Dan!

Thank you very much!  The "retro" manner of controlling this model was fun to implement.


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