
New Video display and PCB's

A project log for Interak Z80 Computer

A Z80 based computer, modular in design. Well build and thought out.

melMel 07/03/2020 at 10:461 Comment

29/09/2020. The good news breaks! the first of the  NEW designed PCB's are available, these are the Ram/Rom card, with boot eprom or EErom and a full 64K of Ram. The I/O-RNG card is a general I/O card with a Random Number Genarator. Also included is a large proto-typing area, for your own I/O ideas.

New PCB's for building this Super project are now available, the first two are:





See the FILES tag for schematics and support files, more detail.

It's now June 2020 and Alan Paton has redesigned the 80 Column VDU card, I have built it so we are both running a typical CP/M system of the time. Alan also revamped the Programmable Graphics Card. I likewise followed and built it. Now a new body in the form of Julian Winpenny has come along and is getting some proper PCB's made for these, they may also be of interest to many other Z80 users with a memory mapped display. I Will keep you informed...... Mel.

Update 20/08/2020 Julian is now designing new boards for the Z80/CF card, Ram/Rom and I/O boards, which includes a random number generator. So a complete new Interak system is now available. These are super 4 layer boards, gold plated where needed. The good thing about the Interak is it can be whatever you want it to be (Quote: David Parkins), and these boards allow you to build it!!  I'll add the board details and schematics, etc under the Files tag.  Mel.

I hope you are all well and keeping safe, in these difficult times.


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Mel wrote 12/06/2020 at 08:56 point

There are now that many Interak cards on eBay, that just searching for Interak fines them, all fair prices, all really good quality.... If there's something you need please get in touch, leave a message.

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