Not so long ago my colleagues got their MacBook Pro's stolen at an event in Paris. Both experienced sound guys, behind the control desk they always lock the laptops with the well know cable locks. Leaving the MPB's up for grabs.
- I don't understand what one can do with an iCloud protected device. Very expensive paper weight?
So I came up with an USB-C alarm cable. In this rude project, it's just some LED's flashing when disconnected. The idea was disconnecting the cable would set off an audible alarm.
Even building it around an Arduino or RaspberryPi could give it message notification capabilities next to video and audio recording. For this prototype, I kept it easy, really easy.
USB-C comes with power delivery of 5 V without to have to negotiate. Using that 5 V to control IN1 and IN2 on a two channel 5 VDC relay would already do the trick. I removed the JD-VCC jumper and provided the relay with its on power source. I shorted the ground with N1 and respec