Hi, my name is David and this is my first project at Hackaday.
Currently I'm designing a PCB for my IoT projects based on an ESP8266. The idea is to design a PCB small enough to fit inside a electrical box inside the walls of my house. If you break the PCB by halt with the components it should be less than 50.50.35mm. The PCBs will be face to face with studs, and the components facing the outer sides.
Some months ago I also developed an iOS app to control Arduino and ESP's project from the phone using HTTP request. I know it not the most effective way to do it by it was a first step. For this project my intention is to use MQTT.
But I need some help, I spend some time searching and I'm thinking of using a OrangePi Zero as a MQTT Broker ( I prefer the Ethernet connection and the availability ). I use Raspberry Pi often but I never used an OrangePi, has someone used it for this intention.
If you think I can do something better, please feel free to comment. Than
do you already do a mqtt server with a raspberry pi ? I use mosquitto for this and node-red for GUI