

A 3D Printed Hopping Mechanism.

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"Hopper" is a 3D printed hopping mechanism. Using two springs and a "mass" (the battery, motor, motor holder, switch, gears, axle and cams), the mechanism first compresses the springs then releases them to propel the mass upward to an abrupt stop causing Hopper to hop.

Modeled after windup and battery powered hopping toys from my much, much earlier years, Hopper was designed to demonstrate the difference between potential energy (energy stored in the springs via the battery, motor, motor holder, switch, gears, axle and cams) and kinetic energy (energy released from the springs and the resulting velocity of the battery, motor, motor holder, switch, gears, axle and cams), while entertaining the grandkids as well!

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Jacob MacLeod wrote 12/06/2019 at 13:31 point

This is such a simple way to make robotic systems move!

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Greg Zumwalt wrote 12/06/2019 at 15:54 point

Hi Jacob,

Thank you very much!  The grandkids made characters from "toilet paper tubes" , pipe cleaners, and stickers and slid them over the mechanism.  Worked quite well!


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Greg Zumwalt wrote 12/03/2019 at 18:16 point

Hi Mike!

Thank you so very much for your kind words, I am truly glad that you enjoyed it!


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Mike Szczys wrote 12/03/2019 at 17:55 point

You're establishing a new legacy of great automata builders. This is such a simple mechanism but the movement is enthralling. Great design Greg!

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