Supercon is over; Didn't win anything
11/19/2019 at 08:31 • 4 commentsSupercon is over.
I had to enter the badge enclosure in the "hardware" category, for lack of a better category, and so didn't win a damned thing.
Man, I worked so hard on this! I worked for a week and a half, and then each night until 6am. Each day I'd wake up after 4 hours of sleep and then still have 2 hours of time waiting for the 3d printer before I could run off to the show, which meant I missed all of the mornings and didn't arrive until 1pm or later (5:30 on Friday).
Now that the show is over, probably nobody will ever touch this badge again, since they aren't for sale or anything.
Perhaps this was not a good use of my time.
For completeness sake, I made some last adjustments to the model to help the buttons to not bind. I'm not going to bother to print it.
It's all on GitHub. Go get it if you care.
Here are pictures of the next to final version.
Front view; notice there is not a grille for the speaker. I didn't bother to populate the lightpipes, since they just blur out the LEDs. You can put them if you want. I call this the "three cheeks" version. Bottom View; the HDMI port seems a bit more recessed than I'd like. Side View; notice the power switch. Sometimes it works. I don't think That's my fault, the switch used is pretty shitty, and mounted in a strange recess for some reason. Side view; USB side. Cartridge port and cartridge -
Upload pics of your prints to the Google Photos gallery!
11/15/2019 at 22:56 • 0 commentsGoogle photos gallery has been created here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/tGLCEPBM3SSWh1JEA
Upload photos of your successful prints! -
First 3d print almost complete!
11/15/2019 at 22:52 • 0 commentsJust need the cartridge door and actually transparent versions of all of the light pipes. Printing now...
Files are now on GitHub!
11/15/2019 at 22:51 • 0 commentsI created a GitHub repository with all of the files here:
https://github.com/softegg/Hackaday-Supercon-2019-Badge-EnclosureI haven't been to the con yet to pick up my badge, but I'll update the files as soon as I get a chance to check them!