
That's Better

A project log for DRVR

An autonomous robot based on the RVR platform

daryllDaryll 07/15/2021 at 22:270 Comments

A quick update to the path planning code and DRVR can now make it around the park without human intervention. It's currently taking about 30 minutes to make a loop.

There were a couple improvements to the path planning algorithm to change the target line if we're not finding the path (like going uphill) and making sure there is a reasonable amount of path and not just a small section. This avoids the robot thinking it can sneak behind the bench near the grass which isn't nearly large enough.

There's a lot of room for improvement. The next ideas are:

We're not down to the 10 minute loop the previous version of the robot could do, but we're using tighter controls and I believe have potential to go much faster.


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