This Featherwing is an 8-bit counter, with corresponding LEDs. It uses 2 SN74HC191DR 4-bit up/down presettable, cascadable, counters from TI in series to generate an 8-bit counter. The Feather provides power, clock signal, direction, counting enable, and resetability. The 8-bits are connected to 8 LEDs, so that you can visually see the bits counting up. The speed and direction of the counting are controlled by the Feather. You can also reset the counter to zero with the Feather. All you need to do is jumper any of the available Feather pins to the appropriate control pins, upload your code, and off you go.
This project is based off of a similar 8-bit counter I built out of components I found at my school's student-run Makerspace. That counter used a 555 timer to generate the clock signal. This project is very simple, but still fun to make.