

A project log for WDC-1 a "Working Digital Computer"

Make a computer based on the book "How to Build a Working Digital Computer" by Edward Alcosser, James P. Phillips, and Allen M. Wolk

michael-gardiMichael Gardi 03/17/2020 at 14:532 Comments

With thanks to Bob Roswell curator of the System Source Computer Museum I'm proud to announce that my WDC-1 will be on permanent display at the museum. 

WDC-1 is on the middle shelf, to the right of a CT-650, which was a commercial version of the working digital computer built from the same book. The tablet on the far right is looping the video that I made of WDC-1 in action (which in hindsight I should have put a little more effort into - sigh). 

In the same picture you can see six other devices that I have made reproductions of, five of which I created myself. I'm in good company there. I'm honored.


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Tom Nardi wrote 03/18/2020 at 22:45 point

Well deserved, congratulations. 

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Michael Gardi wrote 03/18/2020 at 23:48 point

Thanks Tom.

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