
Penguino Feather SAMR34 LoRa Dev-Board

This is a RAK4260 based, Feather styled LoRa dev-board.

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This is a SAMR34 based LoRa dev-board with all the necessary components for fast prototyping. It's a successor of my previous Penguino RF module and Feather breakout design ( )The new design uses the RAK4260 module from @RAKWireless and improves on some aspects, such as USB Type-C, RGB LED, user button, battery protection & voltage supervision, and optional flash & per-provisioned secure element IC pads.


About a year ago, after I first saw SAMR34 System in Package (SiP) in 2018 Electronica I couldn't find a module for it and I took up the challenge for myself to build one myself. Then sharing first renders with the Twitterverse it gathered quite a bit of interest and I started selling couple over at my Tindie store. At the time I named the project TinyLoRa but for legal reasons I had to change it to Penguino

Some specs:

  • ATSAMR34J18 LoRA System-in-Package (SiP) based RAK4260
  • ARM Cortex M0+ MCU & SX1276 LoRa Radio
  • 256KB Flash, 40 KB RAM
  • Max Tx Power: +20 dBm; Max Sensitivity: -148dBm; Rx Current: 17mA (typical)
  • Frequency Range: 862 to 1020 MHz (DS values)
  • Deep Sleep Current: ~1 μA (module only)
  • Li-Po battery charging IC
  • RGB user LED, Battery Charge Status (red) and Power (blue) (w/ cut-off jumpers)
  • 3.3V low Iq LDO (~1 μA)
  • Low-voltage battery cut-off supervisor IC (3V Vbat cutoff)
  • USB Type-C connector with protection/filtering circuit
  • 0.75 A resettable fuse
  • Voltage divider for Vbat monitoring (w/ cut-off jumpers)
  • SMA and u.FL antenna connectors
  • 10-pin SWD programming header
  • Dimensions: 2 in. x 0.9 in. (50.8 mm x 22.8 mm)

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Gonzalo Casas wrote 11/29/2020 at 00:29 point

Thanks for making this! Today I received my tindie order! It looks great! However, it's not clear to me how to go about programming it! 😬 Is there a "getting started" guide somewhere? Like from zero to blink in 3 easy steps? 😉 Thx!

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Makertronika Labs wrote 11/29/2020 at 05:35 point

Hi Gonzalo. Thanks for purchasing it. I couldn't get much chance to work on documenting it and it's my bad. In all cases, you'd need some a SWD programmer, Atmel-ICE or J-link are the ones I've tried, but Black Magic probe could also work.

Basically, there are couple of options (links below):
1. By using the Atmel Studio IDE and the example project.

2. You can also use the unofficial Arduino port for it, which is called the BastWan. BastWAN uses SAMR34's native USB port and  you need to reroute the USB data lines (JP5, JP6 on the back) and cut the RX, TX lines going to CH340e (JP8, JP9).

3. There's also a PlatformIO port for it.

    Atmel Studio v7 installation instructions:

    Penguino 4260 Example Firmware:



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manuelArck wrote 03/12/2020 at 21:04 point

Hi, great project. I'm creating hardware with the RAK4200 module, but I'm having problem finding the library for use in eagle. Did you make yours or found it somewhere?

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Makertronika Labs wrote 04/12/2020 at 06:58 point

Hi, sorry for the late reply. I did create my own by following the datasheet. You can find it here (sorry only KiCAD version):

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oshpark wrote 01/09/2020 at 09:51 point

Great project!

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