#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>

const byte EnableControlPin = 1;    //Control Feather Enable Pin
byte saveADCSRA;                      // variable to save the content of the ADC for later. if needed.
volatile byte counterWD = 0; // Count how many times WDog has fired. Used in the timing of the 
                                           // loop to increase the delay before the LED is illuminated. For example,
                                        // if WDog is set to 1 second TimeOut, and the counterWD loop to 10, the delay
                                        // between LED illuminations is increased to 1 x 10 = 10 seconds
void setup ()
  resetWatchDog ();                     // do this first in case WDog fires

  pinMode ( EnableControlPin, OUTPUT ); 
  digitalWrite ( EnableControlPin, LOW );
  // I could put to INPUT between sleep_enable() and interrupts()
                                        // to save more power, then to OUTPUT in the ISR after wdt_disable()
} // end of setup

void loop ()
  if ( counterWD == 20 )                 // if the WDog has fired 10 times......
  digitalWrite ( EnableControlPin, HIGH);        // flash the led on for 100ms
  delay (6000);                        // hate using delay(), but hey! it's only a demo
  digitalWrite ( EnableControlPin, LOW);
//  delay (6000);
//  digitalWrite ( <pre class="hljs cpp" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, "Courier New", monospace; font-size: 16px; word-wrap: normal; overflow-y: auto; padding: 16px 20px; color: rgb(103, 103, 103); line-height: 1.4; border: none !important;">EnableControlPin</pre>, HIGH);  
  counterWD = 0;                        // reset the counterWD for another 10 WDog firings
  } // end of if counterWD
  sleepNow ();                          // then set up and enter sleep mode
} // end of loop ()

void sleepNow ()
  set_sleep_mode ( SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN ); // set sleep mode Power Down
  saveADCSRA = ADCSRA;                    // save the state of the ADC. We can either restore it or leave it turned off.
  ADCSRA = 0;                             // turn off the ADC
  power_all_disable ();                   // turn power off to ADC, TIMER 1 and 2, Serial Interface
  noInterrupts ();                        // turn off interrupts as a precaution
  resetWatchDog ();                       // reset the WatchDog before beddy bies
  sleep_enable ();                        // allows the system to be commanded to sleep
  interrupts ();                          // turn on interrupts
  sleep_cpu ();                           // send the system to sleep, night night!

  sleep_disable ();                       // after ISR fires, return to here and disable sleep
  power_all_enable ();                    // turn on power to ADC, TIMER1 and 2, Serial Interface
  // ADCSRA = saveADCSRA;                 // turn on and restore the ADC if needed. Commented out, not needed.
} // end of sleepNow ()

void resetWatchDog ()
  MCUSR = 0;
  WDTCR = bit ( WDCE ) | bit ( WDE ) | bit ( WDIF ); // allow changes, disable reset, clear existing interrupt
  WDTCR = bit ( WDIE ) | bit ( WDP2 )| bit ( WDP1 ); // set WDIE ( Interrupt only, no Reset ) and 1 second TimeOut
  wdt_reset ();                            // reset WDog to parameters
} // end of resetWatchDog ()

ISR ( WDT_vect )
  wdt_disable ();                           // until next time....
  counterWD ++;                             // increase the WDog firing counter. Used in the loop to time the flash
                                            // interval of the LED. If you only want the WDog to fire within the normal 
                                            // presets, say 2 seconds, then comment out this command and also the associated
                                            // commands in the if ( counterWD..... ) loop, except the 2 digitalWrites and the
                                            // delay () commands.
} // end of ISR