Sending NOAA Weather Alerts to Your LED Ticker Thing
01/09/2020 at 04:04 • 0 comments
I just created a project to send NOAA weather data to my LED Ticker using FlashLex. The NOAA alerts service is a simple scheduled python service that parses data from the NOAA alerts RSS feed and sends a FlashLex message to your thing.Imagine you want to sound an alarm to warn people that a flood is predicted. You could easily create an IOT device to flash lighs, send emails or turn on a siren using FlashLex.
Feel free to investigate more information on how to start developing your own apps using FlashLex.
noaa-alerts: sources: - guage-id: 'syco3' name: 'SYCO3 - Johnson Creek near Sycamore (Oregon) - FlashLex' source-type: rss path: 'https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/rss/alert/syco3.rss' schedule: rate: 'minutes' value: 8 trigger: match: 'Highest Projected Forecast Available' minor: 8.0 moderate: 10.3 major: 10.3 notifications: - name: 'SYCO3 Johnson Creek at Sycamore' type: 'FlashLex' baseUrl: 'https://api.flashlex.com/dev' thingId: '48338542-9866-1046-9ecc-ad74e1807cc5' headers: Authorization: "Basic SooperSecr3t"
You can clone the repo at https://github.com/claytantor/noaa-alerts-python
Building Case
01/09/2020 at 03:12 • 0 commentsHave begun building the case. This case is intended to make it easy to carry around. It will be printable by the builder you can order the print via shapeways. The case has to be able to fit the LED Matrix Hat as well as openings for the ribbon cable and power.