main StorM32 direct drive Brushless and Joystick.cpp

Added a small joystick with analog output to control the speed of the motors

plain - 2.84 kB - 12/21/2019 at 09:18


main StorM32 direct drive Brushless.cpp

plain - 2.70 kB - 12/20/2019 at 21:27



Online MBED Compiler (based on MBED-OS Lib)
Simple Program to activate LED1 and LED2 on the StorM32 board V1.32
Additionaly a DC Motor is attached to Mot0 Pin1 and Pin2
Pinout refered to STorM32 BGC v130.sch
Have Fun :-)

plain - 1.01 kB - 12/18/2019 at 10:30
