Open lev is an open source acoustic levitating device. It operates by an analog oscillator that produces a square wave of 40khz. Which is then amplified by a full bridge rectifier.
Open lev is Similar to Arduino/Atmega based Acoustic Levitation Build with the exception that there is no programming required. Instead it can be tuned for maximum efficiency with a trimmer potentiometer. This allows for adjustment at different altitudes (sound travels faster or slower). Since the speakers are fixed the tuning allows for a standing wave to be optimize
The Circuit is completely analog and requires no programing
Open lev aims to provide an SMD an THRU kit hole versions for individuals that want to experience the standing wave Phenomenon Up close.
100nF - 0805
100pF - 0805
22uH - 06030
Inductor - 06030, 22uH, 3A
10uF - 0805
SS34 (SMA)
Discrete Semiconductors / Diodes and Rectifiers
What a fantastic project. I’m curious about using a levitating drop in a laser microscope. [[]] A laser microscope shines a laser through a drop of water and the shape of the drop acts as the lens to project and magnify the contents of the drop. I wonder if the drop is smooth or is agitated by the sound waves. If this works, it wouldn't be too much work to add a laser diode to the PCB.
unfortunately not at the moment. That will require a larger array (maybe 10 speakers).
I anticipate once I build a schlieren imaging apparatus I can fine tune the speakers and create an array that creates more powerful nodes to trap water.
Nice project! Would you be able to upload a higher resolution schematic?