

Let's bite some wings!

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Lousey was designed to provide to PICmicro the ability to stick to Feather Wings and use many of the boards from its ecosystem.

Lousey was designed to provide to PICmicro the ability to stick to Feather Wings and use many of the boards from its ecosystem.

Lousey uses a PIC18F2550 that provides USB connectivity along with a bootloader. Alternatively it can be used within the Pinguino IDE .

The pins were layed out in order to provide analog inputs/outputs (PWM) and interrupts on the same pins as the original feathers. Same apply for communication features but that require the configuration of solder jumpers because PIC Micro share the same pins sillicon (and hence the same pins) to provide I2C, SPI and RS232. Eventually it might be necessary to use more than one communication interface and that can be accomplished by using hardware for the most crititcal interface and software for the others.

Jumper Configuration
Jumper Configuration
Board view from Below
Board view from Below

Jumper configuration for SPI and soft I2C
Jumper configuration for I2C and 232 and soft SPI


Eagle 7.2 Schematics

- 891.89 kB - 12/26/2019 at 17:25



Eagle 7.2 PCB

- 315.09 kB - 12/26/2019 at 17:25


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