
Singularitron - Modular Cyberwatch

VFD-equipped personal augmentation platform

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The Singularitron is a massive wrist-mounted wearable device with four expansion slots. Equip any combination of flashlight, laser, IR thermometer, environmental, and SD card modules, and stun the crowd with RGB buttons. The ultra-bright, extremely breakable VFD adds bright-daylight readability... and style.

Real talk, this does work, but is not intended to be a serious project. A VFD is a terrible choice for a wearable, and many parts of the project are suboptimal, ridiculous, and/or barely functional. Also, I made a bunch of boo-boos on the board and fixed them with airwires. I'll fix that some time, maybe.

That said, it does work, and it serves its purpose - drawing attention at Meetups and conferences - really well. The cartridge form-factor is pretty cool, and this has neat super-small implementations of some interesting parts. Have fun!

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boatrited wrote 08/17/2023 at 15:08 point

i found i company that sells the displays there mouser electronics 

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Niccolò Rogai wrote 08/31/2022 at 06:00 point

This is absolutely amazing!!!!! I really want to build something like this! Thanks for this super inspiring work!

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|\/|onspageTTi wrote 01/20/2022 at 09:32 point

....."we're not worthy"

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warlockd wrote 07/23/2021 at 16:13 point

I had like 50 of those displays about 10 years ago I was selling off on eBay.  Took me a while to get the power right but they are nice, crisp and clear.  I kind of wish they had just a simple black on white oled on that size.  Humm.  I wonder how much it cost to make an oled in that size?  Can you order them?

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snotyrobbie wrote 06/30/2021 at 06:16 point

just you wait till the Multiplitron is done.

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Walter Hynson wrote 06/24/2021 at 02:03 point

After thinking about this here are some ideas for modules and some improvements, add an air purity and gas detector (lp and natural) ,an x/y servo controlled mirror so the laser can draw pics and send messages, heart and health monitor ,sim module and 16 key alpha/numeric keyboard ,camera , leds for sending messages , vibrator alarm, voice recorder,and on and on.

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RudyAramayo wrote 06/23/2021 at 20:56 point

You are such an inspiration. I love it so much bro! Form factor and it gets the attention it deserves.... so cool man!

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Craig Hissett wrote 06/10/2021 at 12:48 point

This is incredible; I love the module concept to expand the uses of it.

I was tempted a while ago to lash a few M5Stack boards together to create some multi-screened, multi-buttoned contraption that had all kinds of interconnectivity with it's WiFi, Bluetooth and i2c bus.

And now I'm tempted again.

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Dominic DeMatte wrote 05/24/2021 at 17:24 point

Love this project and I am working on something similar.  Might I recommend a module that plugs into the top or side then goes up your arm with ether piezo disks or bone-conducting speakers st the watch can act as a Bluetooth headphones that leave your ears open when you're at meets.  This is one of the first modules I will be making for mine.  Looking forward to the live stream on this today.

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Dan Maloney wrote 01/08/2020 at 16:33 point

I don't know, it doesn't seem that impractical to me. It's got a cool Pip Boy feel to it. And I really dig the pluggable modules - especially the laser!

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Tom Nardi wrote 01/06/2020 at 21:25 point

Been waiting to see more on this one, what an awesome build.

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