Power Supply
11/02/2016 at 10:01 • 0 commentsThe BSTRD needs an 80VDC/6VDC power supply, so here's some work in progress. The PSU is not ready yet, so the Eagle project and gerber files will not be shared quite yet.
Here are the PSU features:
- Voltage input: 16-24 VAC/1A, wall-adapter or single secondary trafo
- Output voltages: 78.75 VDC/0.5A and 6.3 VDC/1.5A
- Screw terminals for power in and outputs that line up with the BSTRD
- PCB size: 100x77 mm
- The AC voltage is feed into the PSU which consists of the following parts:
- A voltage quadrupler that brings the voltage up to at least 88VDC
- An RC low pass filter to smooth out the ripple
- A TL783 voltage regulator set to 78.75 volts
- A half wave rectifier
- An LM317 voltage regulator set to 6.3 volts
- 7x 470uF/160V+ electrolytes for the 78.75V section
- 3x 100uF/25V+ electrolytes for the 6.3V section
Here are some pictures: