This is the "Pi Gear" and was inspired by two thing. The Pigrrl 2 project found on adafruit, and the classic game gear console. I am a diehard sega fan, and wanted to improve on the design of the pigrrl by making the hdmi accessible, removing the audio buzz, and making it more comfortable to play as well as adding a analog stick. I have also decided to use the attract mode from end, instead of emulationstation. I had to learn kicad, solidworks, and makerbot/cura for 3d printing. I did end up getting some pcb's printed from overseas, and overall I am very pleased with the result. I have started another project that uses a 5 inch screen, and is a little more costly to produce. The pcb's in the photo are ones i etched myself. To see a video with the professionally built ones see the video and for the parts so you can download them here.
it is the same size as the game gear screen. I am working on a model with a 5 inch screen now.