
SP6T Wideband RF Switch (5 - 3000 MHz)

Single pole 6 throw RF switch ; 3 bit control channel ; 3-5V operation ; Decent isolation ; low insertion loss ; Tinker board add-on.

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In an application it was required to use 6 different antennas at 6 nearby locations one at a time as the Bluetooth/WiFi antenna for an Asus Tinker Board or any similar single board computer with a detachable RF front end (also a modified Raspberry Pi). To serve that purpose this 6 way switch was designed and built. It has one common port which is connected to the RF port on the Tinker board and 6 selectable ports to connect the antennas. To power the device and select the port it has a 10 pin FRC connector which plugs into the GPIO strip of the Tinker board through a FRC to female header converter. One among the 6 selectable ports is selected by setting a particular bit pattern in its 3 bit control channel (excluding 000 & 111). The response time for RF switching is around 5 microseconds.

A single monolithic component is used for the switching purpose which greatly reduced the BOM, PCB area, dev time and design complexity - RFSW6062 by Qorvo.

Entire board is matched to 50 Ohm


  • 5 MHz to 3000 MHz operation
  • Excellent insertion loss and decent isolation performance
  • Compatible with 3.3V logic
  • No DC blocking
  • 2000V HBM ESD Rating on All Ports
  • 3V to 5V operation
  • Low power device (≈100μA current draw)

CTL pins are tolerant up to 3.3V not 5V.

RF_COM is connected to any one of RF1-6 at a time.The connection is configured using a 3-bit control logic using CTL1, CTL2 & CTL3.


RF Parameters:

  • Reflected power level when selected port is matched = -11 dB
  • Avg insertion loss excl coax losses = 0.5 dB
  • Avg isolation = 26 dB


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Altium Designer Project

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View all 12 files

  • 1 × RFSW6062 SP6T RF switch
  • 6 × 0402 Resistor passives
  • 1 × FRC socket to female header converter
  • 1 × Asus TInker board
  • 4 × 0402 capacitor passives

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TJ wrote 01/26/2020 at 23:07 point

I like your case/board Design for this. Smart on so many levels. 

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Aditya Mukherjee wrote 01/28/2020 at 19:52 point

Thank you so much, appreciate that !

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catalinalb wrote 01/26/2020 at 15:25 point

Hello, I want to order one unit from JLCPCB with assembly. Can you share the BOM file or the pcb not just the gerber-files? Thank you

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Aditya Mukherjee wrote 01/28/2020 at 19:52 point

I guess the BOM files are on my Github, theres a link given here.

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Bob Holowenko wrote 01/23/2020 at 03:15 point

Is this something you are planning on turning into a product we could purchase?

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Aditya Mukherjee wrote 01/23/2020 at 11:02 point

I surely would when time and money permits.

But is there a market for this at all ?

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Bob Holowenko wrote 01/25/2020 at 08:41 point

I would say so. I shared this with a few other radio-geek friends and they all were interested. How is the performance under 5MHz?

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F4HLA wrote 01/25/2020 at 12:20 point

frankly, no...there is NO market....if you talk about making a bizness!

Now, your project is marvelous: reminds me of the old timer antenna switch rdf stuff (e.g. i still have to do for the last 20y ;)

So, imho, order 100, keep a few for yourself and sell the other for the purchase won't make money, but you'll have your toy for free and make people happy!

All to say: sh*t *p and take my money :)...waiting for it ;)

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Aditya Mukherjee wrote 01/28/2020 at 19:58 point

@F4HLA  Haha, got your point,I've kept one for myself though. I'll do the rest if i get some time to spare. BTW the RDF stuff was good.

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Dan Maloney wrote 01/21/2020 at 17:04 point

Beautiful build! I'd never heard of that chip before - kind of amazed that it can handle a quarter Watt input power. I can see something like this being the basis of an "SDR farm" of some sort. I'll have to keep it in mind.

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Aditya Mukherjee wrote 01/21/2020 at 18:39 point

Thanks a lot.

"SDR farm" sounds interesting, but could you explain more about that ?

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