I thought it would be cool to get community feedback and roll it back into this thing for the next revision. We’re all working on different projects and have different needs so I wanted this board to accommodate as many as possible. I have written up some of our typical use cases and posted other documentation here. I plan to start demonstrating it and creating videos and documentation on how it is being used. My hope is that these videos will illustrate a lot of fundamental techniques.
Get one free:
If you have an idea for a project (that you are DEFINITELY going to do) which you think could use something like this breakout board then please send me your idea here and/or in the comments below. Please detail what you would do with it, when, and how you would document it. I will message you for more info like shipping address as needed. I’m gonna pick my favorite projects from all the submissions by Jan 31, 2020.
Also, this thing needs a name. Best idea gets a free one! (Breaky McBreakout probably won't win.)
Make your own:
If you are interested in building your own all of the design files will be posted in the documentation. Right now I have schematics and Gerber files up. This is being released with this license.
Get one with the click of a button (limited):
Here is the link to buy a beta unit. If the link works they are still in stock. There will be a 3 week lead time as someone has to hand build these.
*Note if you want to use the AC adapter for bench top testing you’ll need to buy your own. I use this one.
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