
AC Voltmeter using Arduino

We are going to create an AC Voltage Measuring Device using Arduino, which will estimate the voltage of Alternating Current.

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                                                          Circuit Diagram

Working of Project

1. Step down voltage is obtained on the l.v side of the transformer which is fit to utilize across normal power rating resistors.

2. Then we receive specific voltage value across the 4.7k resistor.

3. Arduino utilizes this voltage as input from pin A0 in the form of analog values between 0 to 1023. 0 is considered as 0 volt and 1023 being 5v.

4. Arduino then changes this analog value into corresponding mains a.c. voltage by a formula.

n=(311/1023)*m volts or n=(m*.304177)

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  • 1 × Power Managment IC, Transformer
  • 1 × 1N4007 – High Voltage, High Current Rated Diode
  • 1 × Capacitor 1 µF
  • 1 × Zener Single Diode, 5.1 V
  • 1 × Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO

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  • 1
    Run a Code
    int m;  // initialise variable m
    float n; //initialise variable n
    void setup()
    pinMode(A0,INPUT);  // set pin a0 as input pin  Serial.begin(9600);// begin serial 
                                           communication between Arduino and pc
    void loop()
    m=analogRead(A0);   // read analog values from pin A0 across capacitor   
    n=(m* .304177);    // converts analog value(x) into input ac supply value using this 
    Serial.print("   analaog input  " ) ;   // specify name to the corresponding value to 
                                                             be printed   
    Serial.print(m) ; // print input analog value on serial monitor  
    Serial.print("   ac voltage  ") ; // specify name to the corresponding value to be 
    Serial.print(n) ; // prints the ac value on Serial monitor   

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prty286 wrote 06/30/2023 at 05:32 point

Great project! I'm impressed by your AC voltmeter using Arduino. It's a creative way to monitor electrical voltages. By the way, have you considered incorporating an  ac cleaning feature to ensure optimal performance? Keep up the good work!

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